We Set Up Your required Cleanroom In 10 Professional Steps:
Agnotex engineering team offer our customer’s multi-level inspection concepts and full service concepts for the operation, the servicing and the maintenance of cleanrooms of cleanroom classes ISO 9 to ISO 3 according to EN ISO 14644-1.
Service packages and inspection regimes can be adjusted to your needs. We guarantee effective and cost-optimized operation of your cleanroom. Quick reaction times are possible due to the high stock levels of spare parts and single components such as motors, control units, pre- and primary filters, filter fan units and many more.
From changing the filter to newly adjusting pre-existing control technology and to retrofitting or optimising single components and systems; from cleanroom cleaning to particle measuring and finally to advising on and supporting the implementation of a clothing concept. We see ourselves as cleanroom all-rounders: Full service from a single source.
Price is function of:
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